At marlie stud, we are passionate about farming with horses and competing in working horse events, such as ploughing and draught horse pull competitions across nsw. To qualify for inclusion in the australian stock horse stud book a horse had to score at least 50 points out of a possible 100. Youll find your membership number located on your hanoverian membership card you should have received when becoming a member. Australian quarter horse association stud book del rio. Australian stock horse stallions at stud has 7,199 members. Thoroughbred breeders australia tba is the national peak body established for the benefit of the australian thoroughbred breeding industry. To access the hanoverianrhineland studbook youll need your current membership number. If you are not currently a member of hhsa, fill out the form below to become financial. Australia is the secondlargest thoroughbred breeding country in the world behind the us. The largest stud book is in ireland and is administered by horse sport ireland. The type was established in the province of friesland in the northern netherlands, where there is proof of thousands of years of equine populations, and this breed is said to have descended from the primitive forest steed. Horse scout find premium stallions at stud available at. If lodged within 30 days of horses arrival in australia.
Today the society is australia s largest equine recreational and pleasure association, with a loyal and growing membership of approximately 9,000 individuals and in excess of 190,000 registered horses in the stud book. Horse scout lists premium quality stallions at stud, with medical certificates and pedigree details, horse scout are sure to find you the perfect stallion. Stallions at stud akhalteke association of america. Discover stallions at stud for sale on americas biggest equine marketplace. Established in 1973 by pat and sid samuel, marlie draught horse stud breeds quality working draught horses to the australian draught horse classification standard.
Discover stallions for sale on americas biggest equine marketplace. The studs goal is to breed versatile cowhorses for the show ring and on the job. We appeal to all humanitarian organisations and all horse organisations to save the horses of libya. Stallion proprietors are reminded that any mare covered prior to 1 september 2019 must contact the asb to obtain a declaration of pre covering season activity form. The australian stud book was a founding member of the international stud book committee. Japanese stud book database on the internet provides you with various information on the horses registered with japan association for international racing and stud book. It was not until 196o that the first volume of the australasian arab horse stud book appeared, and in the meantime some. The australian stud book asb, is the body responsible for ensuring the integrity of thoroughbred breeding in australia. Volume i of the stud book of new south wales, published in 1859. The australian stock horse, often called the breed for every need, is one of the most versatile horses in the world. Marlie draught horse stud breeding working australian. These races are open to all horses with a rating up to and including 65 at the time of nomination. Welcome to the australian stock horse society the australian stock horse society was established in 1971 in scone, new south wales with the aim of preserving and promoting the bloodlines of the australian stock horse, recognised for its versatility and superior performance amongst work and. This association holds the stud books in australasia for the purebred spanish horse, the australian andalusian, the hispanoarabe, the partbred andalusian, the andalusian derivative and shares, with the lusitano association of australasia, the stud book for the purebred.
Coolmore the preeminent global stallion farm standing champion sires and champion racehorses galileo, uncle mo, fastnet rock etc. Horses stolen in raid on libyan stud racing and sports. Registration number 191949 click here to take you to ash site. It was not until 196o that the first volume of the australasian arab horse stud book appeared, and in the meantime some very fine horses fell between the cracks. Welcome to the australian stock horse society the australian stock horse society was established in 1971 in scone, new south wales with the aim of preserving and promoting the bloodlines of the australian stock horse, recognised for its versatility and superior performance amongst work and leisure breeds. The russian studbook is a closed book, horses not registered. Eavesdropper, a kentuckybred, stakeswinning son of kingmambo who is a half brother to a. This site is for advertising stock horse stallions stud fees only.
The society is also the registrar of the australian shire horse stud book. Any foal conceived by artificial insemination, embryo transfer or cloning can not be recorded in the australian stud book. Thoroughbreds were imported into japan from 1895, although it was not until after world war ii that japan began a serious breeding and racing business involving thoroughbreds. The akhalteke association lists members stallions in good standing and registered with the ataa only. Welcome to the website for the andalusian horse association of australasia which has been established since 1973. Marlie draught horse stud was established in 1973 in putty nsw by pat and sid samuel. It has an expressive head with a large forehead, long and arched neck, and welldefined withers. Through this service you can access a lot of information on thoroughbred such as breeding record, imported exported horses, pedigree, etc. Coolmore is also returning sons of australianbred stallions to stand here, among them excelebration exceed and excel.
This service is a free service available to curr more alexander park is situated in the beautiful avon valley in western australia and is dedicated to breeding trakehner horses. Aps stud book for salewanted major stud reduction due to drought international horses patron page. Australia new zealand 201920 201819 201718 201617 201516 201415 general 1st season 2nd season 3rd season 2yo sires 3yo. The australian society, inaugurated in may 1989, has an irish draught stud book and an irish sport horse register. Browse stallions at stud, or place a free ad today on. Al shaab stud is one of the largest stables in north africa and was established in april 2000.
Australian stock horse stallions at stud public group facebook. Japan association for international racing and stud book jairs has officially started japanese stud book database service. In 2003 sheikh mohammed bin rashid al maktoum, the ruler of dubai, established the australian arm of his darley racing and breeding empire when he bought kelvinside stud in nsw from the former jockey hilton cope. In addition, unlike any other book produced by the press, the australian quarter horse association stud book, in my view, likewise needed to represent itself as the outcome of an undergraduate course the certain context from which the book would arise and, for the university, to which it would return. Sir ron priestley multiple winner for mark johnston including the gr. Aps founder spotlight on international horses past and present. The first step was to appoint classifiers who could asses horses offered for inspection. It is a sturdy and robust breed of horse known for its agility, stamina, and even temperament. Racing australia is the national industry body representing thoroughbred racing in australia. Given the fact that all horses with a rating up to 65 are eligible to run, the ratings band generally includes maidens, one win horses and horses with two or more wins, with an extended run of poor form line. International horses patron page tribute to guy merel breed guidelines. Australian stock horse info, origin, history, pictures.
Breeds of livestock australian stock horse breeds of. Over the years our broodmares have been carefully selected on performance and bloodlines and each year bred to the top us and australian sires producing a line of horses that excel in cutting, campdrafting and performance events. These nine world stud book authorities meet annually to establish standards of stud book operation that will ensure integrity and further development. Horses that are not eligible may be either deceased, owner unfinancial, sold to a nonmember, registration suspended, only foal recorded or registered for breeding purposes only on society records. The irish draught and sport horse society of australia inc. If lodged after 30 days of horses arrival in australia. To this end, the society keeps a stud book and a register. The shire horse society australia, established in 1978, represents australias leading shire breeders and enthusiasts who work to promote and protect this magnificent and very rare breed. Broodmares imported to be served by an australian based stallion. Australian quarter horse stallions del rio quarter horses. The awha ltd offers current financial members the opportunity to list their warmblood stud under the stud directory listing on the awha ltd website. For further information contact the stud book department.
Welcome andalusian horse association of australasia home. Premierships stud book information centre stallions standing use the search below to find breeding information on an individual horse or select one of the other specific search options available. Integration of imported horses from 1 january 2016. Japan association for international racing and stud book. Aqha approved australian quarter horse stallions at stud. Brisbane qld queensand, sydney nsw new south wales, melbourne vic victoria, adelaide sa south australia, perth wa western australia, darwin nt northern territory, hobart tas tasmania, canberra act australian. Ashs guide to online stud book australian stock horse. As a foundation member of the australian draught horse stud book society, sid samuel has spent numerous years breeding, competing and judging all around australia. Find quality stallions at stud in every height, colour and breed, choose your next champion stallion at stud from top horse and become a top breeder, choose from the leasing stallions at stud throughout australia, choose your champion stallion.
To be eligible to compete in an australian stock horse event, the online stud book must indicate the competition status field as eligible. Representing all the registered stallions per season as declared by owners, along with respective covering fees. Australian stock horse stallions at stud public group. Australian horse racing results, horse racing materials. Tba, a notforprofit organisation, has a membership base of 4,200 individual breeders and other industry participants, and is also the parent company of the six state breeders associations. The first thoroughbred stallions arrived in argentina in 1853, but the first mares did not arrive until 1865.
The principal functions of the asb include identification procedures along with dna testing of mares and foals and the recording of a mares progeny and stallion statistics. The russian studbook is a closed book, horses not registered with vniik will not be considered pure bred. Freeze branding is optional for imported horses going straight to stud. Exceed and excel aus serenissima aus 1090194 racing australia limited. All thoroughbred horses in the australian stud book are required to be freeze branded. Over the years our broodmares have been carefully selected on performance and bloodlines and each year bred to the top us and australian sires producing a line of horses that excel in. Horse scout lists premium quality stallions at stud, with medical certificates and pedigree details, horse scout are sure to find you the perfect stallion by continuing, you accept our use of cookies on this site. Coolmore is also returning sons of australian bred stallions to stand here, among them excelebration exceed and excel. We recommend you breed to stallions that are russian registered if you breed pure bred horses. His ability is proven in his performance, stemming from a great line of heritage stock horse bloodlines such as silver minstrel, rivoli ray, sunstream with a splash of acres destiny makes him the whole package. Registry of horses forms newsletters events aps stud book for salewanted major stud reduction due to drought international horses patron page tribute to guy merel breed guidelines percheron judging and showing aps founder spotlight on. Indy and summer squall, were among the stallions stolen.
The argentine stud book was first published in 1893. The role of the society is to promote and preserve the irish draught and irish sport horse in australia. About the irish draught and sport horse society of. Australian stallions thoroughbred breeders association. Yulgilbar quarter horse stud yulgilbar quarter horse stud. The arabian sires are recorded in volume one of the ajcs australian stud book, along with their get, but after 1878 no later arabians were admitted.
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